Django-modern-rpc demo


Django-modern-rpc is a Django library that help you to enable a JSON and XML-RPC server in your application. It is easy to install and configure, and highly customizable. This website show the library in action. The current running version is 1.0.3.

Library in action

You can try the library right now. Simply make RPC calls using your preferred client to the address

Simply raises a custom exception

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Return an instance of python builtin Fraction class, which cannot be serialized

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Add termA and termB, end return the result

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Divide the dividend by the divisor

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Returns a list of all methods available in the current entry point

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Returns the documentation of the given method name.

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Returns an array describing the signature of the given method name.

The result is an array with: - Return type as first elements - Types of method arguments from element 1 to N

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Call multiple RPC methods at once.

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Inspect request to extract the Content-Type heaser if present. This method demonstrate how a RPC method can access the request object.

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Note: you can also get this list of all method on dedicated page .

About this website

The source code of this website is available on GitHub.

About django-modern-rpc

Source code Full documentation Library on PyPi

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